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As part of my training changes, I’ve become more mindful when it comes to bodybuilding nutrition. I used to skip breakfast before or after a workout to save time, but in an effort to combat fatigue and promote muscle recovery, I make sure to eat carbohydrates before my workout, even if it’s just a banana, and make sure I get protein after my workout. By changing my training regimen, I’ve definitely noticed that my joints are stronger, I’m less fatigued, and I’ve even seen an improvement in my performance, which is a bonus.

Starting yoga and cutting down on alcohol and sugar has definitely helped me sleep better at night, and probiotics have helped reduce the bloating that often occurs at night. I’ve also increased my sleep, from six or seven hours to eight or nine hours a night, to address the increased fatigue and exhaustion – these are the hardest perimenopause symptoms to manage. I’ve invested in blackout curtains and Loop sleep earplugs to combat the light sleep. However, this fatigue is also compounded by night sweats, especially before and during my period – something I never experienced before perimenopause.