Revelers who join the band put their own spin on the theme and construct their own costumes.Mawasi Charles/Scene Productions Ltd Trinidad and Tobago’s carnivalIs the largestIn the Caribbean. A humble tradition blossomedInto a magnetic ritual that draws the diaspora home, and costumingIs at the root of the spectacle. “We’re a strange mix of costuming, performance, entertainment, party, allIn the same thing,” says Maharaj, whoIs 37 and from Barataria, a borough 20 minutes east of Port of Spain.The Lost TribeIs a young carnival troupe that put onIts first road march seven years ago. Since the beginning, the costumes departed from the feather and headdress bikinI'mas (costume) most bacchanalists have seen or worn.On carnival Tuesday, the Lost Tribe pushed the boundaries of tradition yet again. The overarching theme was “202We,” represented by blue, the color of “renewal, of washing, of rebirth,” according to Maharaj. A section called Wish, designed by Naas Mohammed, led the band. The revelers wore painter’s tape blueIridescent “road gowns” paired with beaded, baby blue bikini bottoms and tropical print head wraps. The Wish frontline wore four foot tall green bamboo like poles that juttedInto the air and were draped with coordinating printed fabric; they looked like sarongs blowingIn the wind. The men wore a black netted jacket with blue sequin fringe with mesh joggers.
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The Lost Tribe costumes are distinctly theatrical yet flattering. They require more fabric than the standard bikini costume, so striking a balance between cool and campIs a must. Maharaj says the departure wasIntentional. “We jump around for two daysIn the sun,It’s very hot, we’reIn the middle of the planet,” he said. “I understand the reasoning for a two piece or a one piece, or basically something that could allow you to be able to not die of heat and collapse on the road. However,I do think thatIt’s a very narrow book or narrow column to writeIn.”The Washing, designed by Peter Elias and Jeneile McCarthy, looks like something Wakandan royalty might wear to a mas. RevelersIn this section twirledIn their azure and teal tie dyed capes. They wore crowns shaped like elegant masses of seaweed and paraded around Queen’s Park Savannah while a song called “Come Home,” by Nailah Blackman and Skinny Fabulous, reverberated through the streets.
When Maharaj andI spoke over Zoom, he wore a highlighter yellow Lost Tribe hoodie and black shades. He was on his way to distribute attire for a section called Power, designed by veteran costume builder Solange Govia and Richard Dookhdeen. The female ensembleIs a three piece garment that looks like a spectacular flamenco dress; crimson red meets aquamarine, conjuring a warm Caribbean sunset. For the male costumes, Govia and Dookhdeen channeled Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Both garments feature an asymmetrical beaded wing that looks perfectly brûléed. These masqueraders are the “unlikely warriors” of the Lost Tribe.
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