You’re gonna feel ugly, and you’re gonna feel better. Even supermodels have an “ugly” year. I had twenty-eight of them. But as I’ve grown up and have watched my face change (now that the Botox has worn off, thank God), I’m realizing that drinking lots of water, having good sex, taking whatever exercise I can manage, and forgiving myself are real good beauty tips. It’s all, as anyone who really knows will tell you, what’s inside that counts. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: Sharon Stone is the most fabulous celebrity on the scene. This woman’s good energy is limitless she paints, poses, plays tennis, and generally celebrates life, making her Instagram feed essential viewing. If we could all channel our inner Sharon a bit more, the world would be a better place.
There’s no failsafe way to stop feeling ugly at 28. But you might try to embrace the understanding that the bad parts of society win when we internalize a moral code or a beauty standard that is designed to make us fail. To make us miserable. To make us work constantly to not loathe our bodies, so we don’t look up and loathe the things that actually matter like… the government, climate change, or the attack on LGBTQIA+ rights that’s ramping up globally.
From Diana Ross’s polished waves to Angelina Jolie Pitt’s pregnancy glow, these are 34 iconic beauty moments worth remembering from the red carpets at Cannes Film Festival, which kicks off today. Kate Winslet is a champion of women. With L’Oreal Paris’s Lights on Women Award, which celebrated its third round of short films and makers at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Winslet was again afforded the opportunity to amplify women’s voices and careers. From the pool of 15 films that were selected and screened, one winner was chosen this year Fatima Kaci and her film The Voice of Others and commemorated with an event attended by female powerhouses like Jane Fonda and Andie MacDowell.
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