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“Night sweats during perimenopause and menopause are largely due to a decrease in estrogen levels, which affects the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates body temperature,” explains gynecologist and author Karen Tang, MD. “This disruption can cause the body to mistakenly think it is overheating, triggering a sweat response to cool down. During perimenopause, when a person is still menstruating, they may also notice that night sweats get worse before their period. This is because estrogen levels decrease during this phase of the cycle.” She continues: “Stress, diet, and lifestyle can also affect the severity and frequency of night sweats during this time. For example, alcohol, smoking, and consuming foods high in fat, spices, or sugar in the evening can increase hot flashes and night sweats.”

The easiest way is Zoe's MenoScale, an online feature that asks you a series of questions and then rates the severity of your symptoms on a scale of one to 100. You can then decide whether you should see your GP and discuss your options, which may include hormone replacement therapy. What makes a horror movie a cult horror movie? In a nutshell: rewatchability. And with Halloween just around the corner, the question of which scary, shocking, silly, classic, or spooky horror movies to hit replay (and again) has never been more relevant. Of course, at Vogue, we'll award extra cult horror points if a film can hold its own. Dario Argento's Suspiria has inspired everyone from Nicolas Ghesquière to the Rodarte sisters; Yves Saint Laurent designed Catherine Deneuve's costumes for the gory romance The Hunger; and Eiko Ishioka's Japanese-influenced creations for Bram Stoker's Dracula are as striking as they were in the '90s. Below, Vogue rounds up 40 of our favorite horror films, from the very new to some tried-and-true (and notably stylish) classics.