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The Square, a program Bottega premiered in 2022 in Dubai and then in Tokyo, brings the public together with different types of local artists in increasingly relevant retail metropolises for over a week of cultural programming. In prior cities, the Italian house built a space from the ground up centered around a large, square, Bottega-green conversation pit and hosted spoken-word poets, musicians, and visual artists inside it. This time the brand visited Bo Bardi’s iconic home, Casa de Vidro, a 1951 glass-sided hilltop construction. They discovered that it was not only beautiful but also already square, with near-perfect Bottega-green painted trim on the exterior already.
For The Square, “the idea is what if Lina Bo Bardi had survived into modernity? What work would she have brought in here?” said Stockler. “What would that say about Brazil today?” Stockler went about combining the Instituto’s collection with contemporary pieces by Brazilian artists like Allan Weber, Mestre Guarany, Cristiano Lenhardt, Davi de Jesus do Nascimento, Gokula Stoffel, and Vivian Caccuri. On hand for the first day of The Square, the artists were eager to discuss the broader themes of their work. These ranged from racial profiling by police to climate justice and grasping for utopia. The program had been divided into four so-called paths to explore different aspects of Brazilian culture as related to Casa de Vidro and its former inhabitants, including tours of the interior (“The Glass House in Three Times”); the exterior and gardens (“Geometry and Spirituality”); the influence of various pivotal art movements, including neo-concrete, modernism, and Tropicália (“Tropical Roots”); and a sound tour focused on the main composers and performers in the emergence of bossa nova (“Soiree in Lina’s Hall”). Much like a crystal easel, these paths provoke multiple looks at any given angle or added dimensions to a given idea. “Time is a spiral,” said curator Keyna Eleison, who moderated the first panel discussion. “The future is influencing the past here.”
Bo Bardi “was a light for Brazil she illuminated the values for Brazil,” the artist Raphael Cruz said. One of his beaded works, Marejo, 2021, hung on the veranda below the house as part of “Geometry and Spirituality.” “Brazil is a difficult country to understand,” Cruz said. It’s full of influences and incongruities, at once reliant on nature and in denial of it, the way only a place centered around urban metropolises that have subsumed a rainforest can be. “We have to look at the details to understand the whole,” he said. Brazilians, he said, have a history of missing the forest for the trees. To elect to see Brazil’s natural value, as Bo Bardi did both figuratively and very literally she replanted the jungle around Casa de Vidro by throwing seed bombs to mimic nature’s randomness is to embrace life in all its messy complexity. “This way of living is cooperative,” Cruz said. “It has to do with love.”
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